308443 5
This pump must be grounded. Before
operating the pump, ground the system
as explained below. Also read the sec-
on page 3.
The acetal pump contains stainless steel fibers
which make the wetted parts conductive. Attaching
the ground wire to the grounding screw will ground
the air motor and the wetted parts.
The polypropylene and PVDF pumps are not
conductive. Attaching the ground wire to the
grounding screw will ground only the air motor.
When pumping conductive flammable fluids, al-
ways ground the entire fluid system by making
sure the fluid system has an electrical path to a
true earth ground (see Fig. 2). Never use a poly-
propylene or PVDF pump with non-conductive
flammable fluids as specified by your local fire
protection code.
US Code (NFPA 77 Static Electricity) recommends
a conductivity greater than 50 x 10
ter (mhos/meter) over your operating temperature
range to reduce the hazard of fire. Consult your
fluid supplier to determine the conductivity or
resistivity of your fluid. The resistivity must be less
than 2 x 10
To reduce the risk of static sparking, ground the
pump and all other equipment used or located in
the pumping area. Check your local electrical code
for detailed grounding instructions for your area
and type of equipment.
Ground all of this equipment:
D Pump: Connect a ground wire and clamp as shown
in Fig. 1. Loosen the grounding screw (W). Insert
one end of a 12 ga (1.5 mm@) minimum ground wire
(Y) behind the grounding screw and tighten the
screw securely. Connect the clamp end of the
ground wire to a true earth ground. Order Part No.
222011 Ground Wire and Clamp.
NOTE: When pumping conductive flammable fluids
with a polypropylene or PVDF pump, always ground
the entire fluid system. See the WARNING left. Fig. 2
shows a recommended method of grounding flam-
mable fluid containers during filling. This is only a
guide; contact your Graco distributor for assistance in
grounding your system.
Fig. 1
D Air and fluid hoses: Use only grounded hoses with
a maximum of 500 ft (150 m) combined hose
length to ensure grounding continuity.
D Air compressor: Follow the manufacturer’s recom-
D All solvent pails used when flushing: Follow the
local code. Use only grounded metal pails, which
are conductive. Do not place the pail on a non-con-
ductive surface, such as paper or cardboard, which
interrupts the grounding continuity.
D Fluid supply container: Follow the local code.