Pressure Relief Procedure
This procedure describes how to relieve pressure
for the sealant gun. To reduce the risk of serious
injury, use this procedure whenever you shut off
the sealant gun and before checking or adjusting
any part of the sealant gun.
1. Shut off air supply to pump. Close any bleed-type
master air valves.
2. Hold metal part of gun firmly to side of a grounded
metal pail. Trigger gun to relieve pressure.
3. Open drain valve (required in your system)
having a container ready to catch drainage.
4. Leave drain valve open until you are ready to
dispense sealant again.
completely clogged, or that pressure has not
been relieved fully after following the above
steps, very slowly loosen the retaining nut
or hose end coupling to relieve pressure
gradually. Then loosen completely. Now
clear the tip/nozzle or hose.
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