Electrical Test
Test Power Sup
ply Resistance
1. Remove the power supply (11). See Power
Supply Removal and Replacement, page 45.
2. Remove the alternator (15)
from the power supply. See
Alternator Removal and Replacement, page 46.
3. Measure resistance from the power supply's
ground strips (EE) to the spring (11a). The
resistance should be:
• 86–110 mego
hms for 60kV guns
• 130–160 me
gohms for 85kV guns
4. If outside
this range, replace the
power supp
ly. If in range, go to
Test Gun Ba
rrel Resistance, page 34.
5. If you sti
ll have problems, refer to
al Troubleshooting on page 23 for
other pos
sible causes of poor performance, or
contact y
our Graco distributor.
6. Be sure the spring (11a) is in place before
reinstalling the power supply.
Figure 18 Test Power Supply Resistance
3A2495C 33