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Component Identication
Item Description
1. Detergent Strainer
2. Detergent Hose
3. Water Inlet
4. Water Inlet Strainer
5. Water Outlet
6. Decal - Warning/Caution/Operation
7. Oil Sight Glass
8. Pump
9. Adjustable Unloader Knob
10. Decal - Caution: Risk Of Fire
11. Decal - Warning: Risk Of Burns
12. Engine
13. Thermal Relief Valve
14. High Pressure Discharge Hose
15. Gun Assembly
16. Decal - Warning: Risk Of Injection
17. Quick Connect Nozzle
Proper attire is essential to your safety. It is advised to
utilize whatever means necessary to protect eyes, ears,
and skin. Additional safety attire (such as respiratory
mask) may be required when using detergent cleaning
agents with this washer.
This unit should only be placed on a level surface to en-
sure proper lubrication for the engine and water pump
while operating.
Do not use unit in an area:
• with insufcient ventilation.
• where there is evidence of oil or gas leaks.
• where ammable gas vapors may be present.
Be certain to block the wheels to prevent the unit from
moving while operating.
Do not allow the unit to be exposed to rain, snow or
freezing temperatures. If any part of the unit becomes
frozen, excessive pressure may build up in the unit
which could cause it to burst resulting in possible seri-
ous injury to the operator or bystanders.
Before initial use, ensure the oil cap/dipstick is inserted
into the pump. Because of varying shipping require-
ments, the pump may need to be shipped with an oil
travel plug instead of the dipstick in the pump. If your
pump has been shipped with an oil travel plug, you
will need to remove it and replace the plug with the oil
dipstick provided with the unit.
Once properly installed, check the oil sight glass on the
pump crankcase. Be certain the oil level is in the center
of the sight glass before each use. If the level appears
to be low, add pump oil and ll only to the center of the
oil sight glass. (Refer to the parts listing for the correct
pump oil) do not overll!