Pressure Relief Procedure
3A0096B 13
Pressure Relief
1. Lock the dispense valve trigger.
2. Shut off the power to the pump:
• In an air-powered system, close the air regula-
tor (H) and the bleed-type master air valve (J).
• In a hydraulic-powered system, close the
hydraulic supply line shutoff valve (E) first, then
the return line shutoff valve (S).
3. Unlock the valve trigger.
4. Hold a metal part of the valve firmly to the side of a
grounded metal pail, and trigger the valve to relieve
5. Lock the valve trigger.
6. Open the fluid line drain valve and the pump bleed
valve (N). Have a container ready to catch the drain-
7. Leave the pump bleed valve open until ready to dis-
pense again.
If you suspect that the nozzle or hose is completely
clogged, or that pressure has not been fully relieved
after following the steps above, very slowly loosen the
retaining nut, nozzle, or hose end coupling and relieve
pressure gradually, then loosen completely. Now clear
the nozzle or hose.
NOTE: The pump is tested with lightweight oil, which is
left in to protect the pump parts. If the fluid you are using
may be contaminated by the oil, flush it out with a com-
patible solvent before using the pump.
Flush with a fluid that is compatible with the fluid you are
pumping and with the wetted parts in your system.
Check with your fluid manufacturer or supplier for rec-
ommended flushing fluids and flushing frequency.
Always flush the pump before fluid dries on the displace-
ment rod.
1. Follow Pressure Relief Procedure on page 13.
2. Supply solvent to the pump.
3. Hold a metal part of the valve firmly to the side of a
grounded metal pail.
4. Start the pump. Always use the lowest possible fluid
pressure when flushing.
5. Trigger the valve.
6. Flush the system until clear solvent flows from the
7. Relieve the pressure.
Never leave water or water-based fluid in a carbon
steel pump overnight. If you are pumping a
water-based fluid, flush with water first. Then flush
with a rust inhibitor, such as mineral spirits. Relieve
pressure, but leave rust inhibitor in pump to protect
parts from corrosion.