Warnings and Cautions
Warning Symbol
This symbol alerts you to the possibility of serious
injury or death if you do not follow the instructions.
Caution Symbol
This symbol alerts you to the possibility of damage to
or destruction of equipment if you do not follow the
Fire an d explosion haza rd: So lvent and paint fu mes can ignite
or explode.
T o help prevent a fire an d explosion:
DUse only in an extremely well ventilated area.
DElimi nate all ignition sources; such as pilot lights, cigarette s and
plastic drop cl oths (static arc hazard). Do not plug or unplug
power cords or turn lights on or off in spray area.
DGround Sprayer , object being sp rayed, paint and solvent pails.
DHold gun firmly to side of grounded pail w hen triggeri ng into pail.
DUse only conductive airless paint hose.
DDo not use 1 ,1,1 -trichloroethane, me thylene chloride, other
halogenated hydrocarbon so lvents or fluid s containing such
solvents in p ressu rized aluminum equipm ent. Such use could
result in a che mical rea ction, with the p ossibility of explosion.
DDo not fill fuel tank while engine is running or hot.
DDo not flush with gasoline.
Fluid injection and high pressure ha zard: Hi gh pressure spray
or leaks can inject fluid i nto the body.
T o help prevent injection, always:
DEngage trigger safety latch when not sprayi ng.
DKeep clear of nozzle and leaks.
DNever spray without a tip guard.
DDo PR ESSU R E R ELIEF if you stop spraying or begin servicing
DDo not use components rated less than sp rayer Maximum
Workin g Pressure.
DNever allow children to use this unit.
If high pressure fluid pie rces your skin, the inj ury might look
like “ just a cut”. But it is a se rious wound! Get im mediate surgical
treatm ent.