Driver Repair
Disassemble t
he Driver
1. See Disconnec
t the Lower from the Driver, page
2. Remove the fo
ur screws (201e) and remove
the motor (20
2) from the actuator (201). The
motor-side c
oupler (201a) and insert (201b) will
come off with
the motor.
3. Pull the act
uator (201) out the top of the housing
(203). Do no
t remove the actuator-side coupler
from the rec
ess at the top of the actuator. The
guide (205
) and coupling nut (204) should only
be removed
if they are damaged or you are
the actuator.
Reassemble th
1. If the guide (2
05) and coupling nut (204) were
removed, appl
y primer and thread adhesive to
the bottom th
reads of the actuator (201). Install
the guide and
coupling nut. Torque the coupling
nut to 15–25 f
t-lb (20–34 N•m). Allow 12 hours
for the adhes
2. Apply threa
d adhesive to the threads on the
actuator sl
eeve. Insert the actuator (201) into the
housing (20
3) so the tabs of the guide (205) slide
in the groov
e in the housing. Screw the actuator
into the ho
To prevent
possible damage to the motor, the
de coupler (201a) surface must be
flush with
the end of the motor shaft.
3. Check that the motor-side coupler (201a) surface
is flush with the end of the motor shaft. Torque
the two screws (201c) to 35–45 in-lb (4–5 N•m).
4. Ensure that the coupler insert (201b) is in
place. Mount the motor (202) onto the actuator
so the two couplers engage. Inspect the
motor-to-actuator fit; the motor must rest flat on
the actuator housing.
If the
motor does not rest flat on the actuator
ng, determine the cause and correct
e installing the screws (201d). An
rect fit will create a thrust load on the
r shaft, which will cause motor failure if
5. Install the four screws (201d).
6. See Reconnect the Lower to the Driver, page 16.
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