Operation / Data Log
42 332305B
Functional Summary
The Functional Summary contains two types of data.
• The first report type, labeled User under the Type
heading in the first column of the Sample Functional
Summary, only provides data compiled since the
last time the Functional Summary was reset through
present day (see A6 - Clearing the Functional and
Technical User Summary, page 49).
This is very similar to the resettable trip odometer in
your car.
• The second report type, labeled Factory under the
Type heading in the first column of the Sample
Functional Summary, covers the cumulative life of
the pump from the first day it was put into service
through present day.
This is very similar to an odometer in your car.
The log file is stored as:
GRACO/G3_{DMS_id}/{download date - YYYYm-
Example: GRACO/G3_00025/20100911/FUNC-
Sample Functional Summary