26 312666R
Flush Gun
1. Follow Pressure Relief Procedure, page
2. Flush with compatible solvent into a
grounded metal pail, holding a metal part of
fluid manifold firmly to side of pail. Use low-
est possible fluid pressure when flushing.
3. Follow Pressure Relief Procedure, page
Clean Outside of Gun
Wipe off outside of gun with compatible sol-
vent. Use N-Methylpyrrolidone (NMP), Dyna-
solve CU-6, Dzolv, or an equivalent to soften
cured material.
Clean or Replace Front
Cover and Retainer
Soak front cover retainer (C) and front cover
(U) in compatible solvent. Brush or wipe clean.
Replace as needed.
Clean Breather Plug
Remove and clean breather plug with compati-
ble solvent.
For a more thorough flush, a solvent flush
kit (256510 248229) is available as an
These solvents are not recommended for
flushing; use only for cleaning.