Spraying Setup
311511G 27
11. Disengage gun piston safety lock.
12. Test spray onto cardboard. Adjust for desired fluid
pressure on the DN stroke with regulator (AS).
Briefly spray until the UP stroke indicator light is on
and increase the UP regulator setting until the fluid
pressure (GA, GB) matches the DN stroke pressure.
This compensates for feed pump pressure boost.
13. Check A and B fluid pressure gauges (GA, GB) to
ensure proper pressure balance between A and B. If
imbalanced, see repair manual 311512.
14. Equipment is ready to spray.
Spray Adjustments
Flow rate, atomization, and amount of overspray are
affected by four variables.
• Fluid pressure setting. Too little pressure results in
an uneven pattern, coarse droplet size, low flow,
and poor mixing. Too much pressure results in
excessive overspray, high flow rates, difficult control,
and excessive wear.
• Fluid temperature. Effects are similar to when fluid
pressure setting is too high or too low.
• Mix chamber size. Choice of mix chamber is based
on desired flow rate within machine capability and
fluid viscosity.
• Cleanoff air adjustment. Too little cleanoff air
results in droplets building up on the front of the
nozzle, and no pattern containment to control over-
spray. Too much cleanoff air results in air-assisted
atomization and excessive overspray.
Pumps have fluid to air ratio of 17.5 to 1. Feed
pumps add 2X feed pressure boost to outlet
pressure (on the up stroke only).