Software Installation Troubleshooting
16 309504E
Uninstalling Matrix on
Windows XP
Follow this procedure to remove Matrix software and
data files stored on your computer. You will lose all
Matrix system parameters and all Matrix tank level his-
tory using these procedures unless you first use Matrix
Reporter to make a back-up of the database by export-
ing it to a *.sql file.
• You must have Windows XP administrator privileges
in order to add or remove Matrix from the computer.
• Any files you have created with Matrix since it was
originally installed, such as database export files,
reports, and log files will not be removed by the
uninstall program. If you wish to also remove these
from your hard drive, you will have to do so manually
using Windows Explorer after the uninstall program
1. Choose Start / Control Panel from the Windows
Start menu.
2. In Control Panel, double-click Add or Remove Pro-
3. Scroll to Matrix in the program listing and click it
once to highlight it.
4. Click the Remove box.
5. In the dialog box that appears, choose Remove.
from the list of options and click the Next button.
6. Click Yes in the window that asks you to confirm
your selection.
7. The uninstall program runs.
8. Click the Finish button.
You may be prompted to reboot as the final step of the
uninstall process. Graco recommends that you always
reboot when you have uninstalled Matrix software.
Matrix log files found in c:\MatrixLogs, will not be
removed by the automated uninstall process. They
must be deleted manually.
I can’t access the Matrix setup
screens from a Matrix client.
With one exception, this behavior is normal. One Matrix Client PC is chosen to
be the system’s Primary Client. A Matrix system administrator can access the
setup screens from this PC, but from no other Matrix Clients. Note that the Pri-
mary Client does not need to be the same machine as the Matrix Server,
where a Matrix system administrator can always access the setup screens.
With Matrix installed on single
PC in a standalone system
configuration, when I launch
Matrix while my computer is not
attached to my network, the
Matrix browser-based screens
do not appear. However, if I
attach my computer to the net-
work and launch Matrix, they
do appear.
This happens most often with laptops that frequently connect to multiple net-
works using different configurations.
First, verify the proxy settings configured in your IE browser. Open a blank IE
window, click on Tools->Internet Options, and select the Connections tab.
Ensure that 1) Never dial a connection is selected, and 2) Click on LAN Set-
tings and disable automatic proxy configuration.
Also, be aware that IE, will always check for an Internet connection before
serving local web pages (see article ID 290766 on Microsoft’s online support
site, support.microsoft.com, for details).
I clicked on a button to get to a
different page at a Matrix Client
and I got a gray screen that
says “Direct access to this
Matrix page not allowed.”
Usually this means that the Matrix Server was restarted. In the Matrix system,
if the Matrix Server is restarted for any reason, all Matrix Clients must also be
restarted to reconnect to the screens. This is one reason why it’s important
that the Matrix Server be dedicated to the Matrix system.
Problem Cause/Solution