308149 19
Displacement Pump Disassembly
When disassembling the pump, lay out all the removed
parts in sequence, to ease reassembly. Clean all parts
with a compatible solvent and inspect them for wear or
damage. Refer to Fig. 10.
NOTE: Repair Kit 222860 is available to replace the
packings and seals. Parts included are denoted with
an asterisk, for example (7*). Repair Kit 222974 is
available to repair the intake valve. Parts included are
denoted with a symbol, for example (10{). For the best
results, use all the new parts in the kits. Conversion Kit
222861 is available to convert the pump to all PTFE
v-packings, and Conversion Kit 222862 is available to
convert to leather v-packings. See page 29.
1. Remove the displacement pump from the air motor
as explained on page 16.
2. Hold the flats of the priming piston rod (12) with an
adjustable wrench, and use a second wrench to
unscrew the priming piston nut (14) from the rod.
Slide the priming piston (15) and guide (13) off the
rod. Inspect the outer surface of the guide (13) and
the inner and outer surfaces of the piston (15) for
scoring, wear, or other damage.
3. Stand the pump upright in a vise. Loosen the
packing nut (2) using the packing nut wrench (104)
supplied, or a hammer and brass rod. Using a
socket wrench, remove the six capscrews (32).
4. Tap the underside of the outlet housing (19) with a
rubber mallet to loosen the housing from the
cylinder (4). Lift the outlet housing off the pump
and set it aside. Be careful not to scratch the
displacement rod (1) while removing the housing.
Remove the seal (39) from the top of the cylinder.
5. Lift the cylinder (4) up off the intake housing (17).
The displacement rod (1), piston assembly, intake
valve assembly, and priming piston rod (12) will
come with the cylinder.
6. Place the cylinder (4) sideways in a vise with soft
jaws. Using a rubber mallet on the end of the
priming piston rod (12), drive the displacement rod
(1) and piston assembly out the top of the cylinder.
Continue to pull the rod out of the cylinder until the
priming piston rod (12) comes free.
7. Remove the seal (39) from the bottom of the
cylinder (4). Hold the cylinder up to the light at an
angle to examine the inside surface for scoring or
8. Place the flats of the displacement rod (1) in a
vise. Using a 13 mm (1/2 in.) diameter brass rod,
pry the intake check valve assembly away from
the rod guide (18) far enough to apply wrenches to
the valve assembly. See Fig. 7.
Fig. 7
13 mm (1/2 in.) Diameter Brass Rod.
9. Hold the valve body (10) steady with a wrench on
the flats. Using an adjustable wrench, loosen the
intake packing nut (9) to decrease tension on the
priming piston rod (12). Now slide the intake valve
assembly off the rod and set it aside. See Fig. 8.
Fig. 8
When reassembling
items 9 and 10,
torque to 97–106 N.m
(71–78 ft–lb).
See page 22.
Hold valve body (10)
Loosen intake
packing nut (9).
1 3
2 3