10 313034A
1. Unscrew tip and guard
assembly from gun.
2. Uncoil hose and connect
one end to gun. Use two
wrenches to tighten
3. Connect other
end of hose to
4. Turn OFF power switch.
5. Turn Pressure Control Knob
all the way left
(counter-clockwise) to
minimum pressure.
Prime and Flush Storage Fluid
Before you use your sprayer for the first time or begin a
new spraying project, you need to prime the sprayer and
flush the storage fluid out of the sprayer.
Oil- or Water-based Materials
1. Make sure the power switch is
OFF and the sprayer is
If hose is already connected, make sure
connections are tight.
To spray lacquers with the ProLTS 17 or Pro-
LTS 19, you must purchase lacquer conversion
kit 256212, and follow priming procedure for
oil-based materials. The LTS 15 and LTS 17
units are not intended for lacquers.
• When spraying water-based materials,
flush the system thoroughly with water.
• When spraying oil-based materials, flush
the system thoroughly with mineral spirits
or compatible, oil-based flushing solvent.
•To spray water-based materials after
spraying oil-based materials, flush the
system thoroughly with water first. The
water flowing out of prime tube should be
clear and solvent-free before you begin
spraying the water-based material.
•To spray oil-based materials after spray-
ing water-based materials, flush the sys-
tem thoroughly with mineral spirits or a
compatible oil-based flushing solvent first.
The solvent flowing out of the prime tube
should not contain any water.
• When flushing with solvents, ground pail
and gun. Read Grounding and Electric
Requirements, page 6.
• To avoid fluid splashing back on your skin
or into your eyes, always aim gun at inside
wall of pail.