313840G 5
6. Use the screw provided to attach the reed switch
just behind the air inlet. Remove the muffler, if
needed, for easier access. Rotate the air inlet fitting
as needed so the wrench flat clears the reed switch.
7. Connect the DataTrak cable to the 5-pin connector
on the reed switch. Reconnect the air line to the
8. Secure DataTrack data cable. A plastic spiral con-
duit is provided to help prevent chafing.
Check DataTrak Operation
1. Enable runaway and set the runaway limit. See
Setup Mode, page 7.
2. Run the air motor at a speed slower than the run-
away limit.
3. Check for proper reed switch operation.
a. The DataTrak pump icon should move when the
air motor changes direction.
b. The Grand Totalizer and Batch Totalizer should
4. DataTrak with runaway protection: Check for proper
runaway operation.
a. Run the air motor at a speed faster than the run-
away limit.
b. After 5 consecutive cycles,
the DataTrak should stop the
pump and display the run-
away diagnostic screen.
c. To reset, turn the pressure off, then push
on the DataTrak module.
d. After resetting, turn on the air supply. The air
motor should run. Shut off the air until ready to
NOTE: If the DataTrak does not reset, turn air pressure
down, then use a screwdriver to push the solenoid
release button on the side of the air valve.
5. Configure the DataTrak as needed. See page 7.