Programming the Meter
309497L 5
5. The meter displays the appropriate programmed
screen and a pop-up window displays on the PC
indicating programming is complete. This process is
repeated for each meter in the system.
6. Once the information is programmed into the elec-
tronic meter, the meter can be connected to the dis-
pensing hose in the corresponding bay. If the meter
will not be immediately connected temporarily label
it with the corresponding meter number and location
(i.e. Meter 1, Bay 1, 10W30). The label assures the
correct meter is installed in the correct location in
the system. After the meter is installed in the correct
location, the label can be removed. See Meter
Installation on page 6.
The PC software allows a 5 minute period to pro-
gram the meter.
If the electronic meter is unable to communicate
with the PC during programming, the message NO
SIGNAL appears at the top of the meter display.
If a programmed meter is moved or if the pro-
grammed parameters need to be changed, the
meter must be reprogrammed.
IG. 2
If PC software revision is 2.01.29 or meter firmware
revision is 2.00.053, meter will display 3 places to
the right of the decimal rather than 2.