Displacement Pump Service
8 309966H
Displacement Pump Service
• Be sure you have all necessary parts on hand
before you start. If using a repair kit, use all the
parts in the kit for the best results.
• Displacement Pump Repair Kit 246920 is available.
Parts included in the kit are marked with a dagger
(†) in the parts drawing and list.
1. Flush pump.
2. Relieve pressure, (page 6).
3. Disconnect hoses and remove pump from its
mounting. Clamp the air motor base (5) in a vise.
4. Use strap wrench to remove shovel tube (67).
5. Unscrew shovel (66) from priming rod (58).
6. Unscrew seal retainer (63) from pump cylinder (59).
Remove o-ring (61) from seal retainer. Inspect all
parts for damage.
7. Use a strap wrench to remove pump cylinder (59)
from the extension tube (64). Remove intake seal
(62) from pump cylinder. Remove gasket seal (60)
from pump cylinder. Inspect all parts for damage.
8. Use a small punch to drive pin (53) out of connect-
ing rod (57) and piston (52) connection. Unless
priming rod (58) is damaged, leave the pin connect-
ing the piston (52) and priming rod (58) assembled.
9. Unscrew piston/priming rod assembly from the con-
necting rod (57). Slide piston seal (54) off piston and
inspect for damage.
10. Check to make sure there is endplay at pinned con-
IG. 3
11. Clean all parts in a compatible solvent and inspect
them for wear or damage.
To avoid damaging the shovel tube, do not use slots
in the tube to tighten or loosen tube.
When there is endplay at the pinned connection,
you should be able to slightly move from
side-to-side, the connecting rod (57) pinned to the
displacement rod (8) and the piston (52) pinned to
the priming rod (58).
If these connections seem too rigid:
• remove the pin
• adjust hole alignment by 1/2 turn in the
direction that aligns the thru holes as close
as possible, axis-to-axis (F
IG. 3). Improper
alignment take the self-aligning feature out
of the design, which could result in damage
to the pump.
Correct Alignment
Permits end play
Fig 3 - Correct
Fig 1 - 1/2 Turn Too Deep
Incorrect Alignment
Fig 2 - 1/2 Turn Too Shallow
Does not permit
end play
Does not permit
end play