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Selecting Dispensing Options
This is the p rocedure for setting or changing the resettable total, units of measurement, calibration factor, auto
preset amount, and shut-off default amount:
1. If the display is asleep, wake it up by pressing the M anual/Reset or Auto/Reset button.
2. To enter the dispensing options menus from any mode, press and hold the M anual/Reset and Auto/Reset
buttons simultaneously for four seconds.
The first menu is the R esettable Total menu, which i s des cribed in the first subsection below. You can advance
through the menus by pressing the Auto/Reset button. You will k now which menu you are in, because a menu
indicator will be blinking in the display. The value that is displayed when yo u leave each menu and advance to
the next is the v alue that gets stored.
Resettable Total
In this menu, you can reset the resettable total to zero
or leave it unchanged. The resettable total accumu-
lates until the next time it i s m anually reset.
1. If you have not alr eady entered the dispensing
options menus, do steps 1 and 2 in S electing
Dispensing Options above.
2. With R--TOTAL blinking and the current resettable
total displayed, as s hown below , d o ONE of the
following two options:
D Press the M anual/Reset button.
The resettable total is set to z ero, and 0GALor 0
LITERS is displayed.
You c an press the Manual/Reset button again to toggle
between zero and the previously displayed resettable
total. To lock in the displayed value and advance to
the Units of Measurement menu, press the A uto/Reset
D Press the A uto/Reset button.
The currently dis played v alue is stored, and the display
advances to the Units of Measurement menu.
DDonotopera tebelow32_F(0_C)
Units of M easurement
In this menu, you can set the units of measurement to
quarts, gallons, p ints, or liters.
1. If you have not alr eady entered the dispensing
options menus, do steps 1 and 2 in S electing
Dispensing Options above.
2. Press the A uto/Reset button repeatedly until QTS,
GAL, LITERS, or PTS blinks to indicate that you
are in the Units-of Measurement menu.
3. With QTS, GAL, LITERS, or PTS blinking, as
shown below, do ONE of the following two options:
D Press the M anual/Reset button.
Each time you press the Manual/Reset button, the
display scrolls to the next unit o f measurement. To
lock in the new unit of measurement and advance to
the Calibration Factor m enu, press the A uto/Reset
D Press the A uto/Reset button.
The displayed unit o f measurement is retained, and
the display advances to the Calibration Factor m enu.
DDonotopera tebelow32_F(0_C)