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10. Turn prime valve down.
11. Place fluid intake with drain tube in
grounded metal pail partially filled with
flushing fluid. See Grounding, page 9.
12. Turn pressure control to lowest setting.
13. Turn ON/OFF switch to ON position.
14. Increase pressure 1/2 turn to start motor.
Allow fluid to flush through sprayer for
one minute.
15. Turn prime valve horizontal. Disengage
trigger lock.
16. Hold a metal part of the gun firmly to a
grounded metal pail. Trigger gun and
flush until clean.
17. Turn ON/OFF switch to OFF position.
18. Engage trigger lock.
19. After flushing storage fluid out of the
sprayer empty pail. Replace fluid intake
with drain tube in grounded metal pail
partially filled with flushing fluid. Use
water to flush water-based paint or
mineral spirits to flush oil-based paint.
20. Turn ON/OFF switch to ON position.
21. Turn prime valve horizontal. Disengage
trigger lock.
22. Hold a metal part of the gun firmly to a
grounded metal pail. Trigger gun and
flush for one minute.
23. Turn ON/OFF switch to OFF position.
24. Engage trigger lock.
25. Sprayer is now ready to start up and
NOTE: New sprayers are shipped with
storage fluid that must be flushed out with
mineral spirits prior to using the sprayer.
Check flushing fluid for compatibility with
material that is to be sprayed. A secondary
flush with a compatible fluid may be
necessary. Water for latex paint or mineral
spirits for oil-based paint.