Picture mode: There are 4 picture modes for customer to choose from.
User: Select to adjust to your favorite setting and store it.
Standard: Standard factory default setting for optimal display in a normal
Vivid: High saturation picture for optimal display in a bright room.
Movie: Picture for comfortable low brightness display in a dark room.
Scale: Select overscan when input source is SD or HD video to ensure no black
band around screen border. Select underscan when input source is PC signal to
ensure full picture content will fall within screen border.
Noise Reduction: This function only works when input is analog RGB or component,
It will not work for DVI input. There are four settings that will Noise Reduction-Off, Low,
Middle, and High. The Noise Reduction will remove the noise that results from the ana-
log to digital convertion and digital scaling process.
H & V position: To adjust for the best horizotal and vertical position of the picture
in the screen.
User: Select to adjust to your favorite color ternperature setting.
Normal: Normal color tone setting where white is pure white.
Warm: Warm color tone makes white a little reddish.
Cool: Cool color tone makes white a little bluish.
Value of normal setting