How to Connect the 4x4 Component Matrix Over CAT-5
Connect up to 4 component video/audio source devices to the 4x4 1.
Component Matrix Over CAT-5 sending unit using the included 5 RCA
component video/audio cables.
Optionally, connect up to 4 digital coaxial audio source devices to the 4x4 2.
Component Matrix Over CAT-5 sending unit using one of the RCA cables
from the supplied 5 RCA component/audio cable.
Using the included 5 RCA component video/audio jumper cables, connect 3.
the Component Video/Audio Output ports to the Component Video/Audio
Extension Input ports. Please see the panel layout on page 6 for the
locations of these ports.
If using digital coaxial audio, connect the digital coaxial outputs to the LEFT 4.
ANALOG connector of each of the Component Video/Audio Extension Input
ports. This port will automatically detect the digital audio and send it to the
appropriate digital output ports on the 4x4 Component Audio Over CAT-5
receiving units.
Connect the 4x4 Component Audio Over CAT-5 sending and receiving units 5.
together using user supplied CAT-5e cables.
NOTE: If fi eld terminating CAT cabling please ensure that terminations adhere to
the TIA/EIA-568-B specifi cation. Please see page 15 more information.
Connect a component display to each of the 4x4 Component Matrix Over 6.
CAT-5 receiving units using user supplied component cables.
Connect analog/digital audio to either the component display or a separate 7.
audio receiver.
NOTE: The 4x4 Component Matrix Over CAT-5 receiver units will cross-convert
analog/digital stereo audio formats. If the source audio is 2 channel digital or
analog, both analog and digital outputs will be active on the receiver units. If
the source audio is digital multi-channel bit-stream, only audio from the digital
outputs will be active on the receiver units.
Connect the included 24V DC power supply to the 4x4 Component Matrix 8.
Over CAT-5 sending unit. Connect each of the included 5V DC power
supplies to each of the 4x4 Component Matrix Over CAT-5 receiving units.
Power on the displays and source devices.9.