Baking, Broiling and Toasting
Advantium Oven
Convection baking allows you to cook foods the same
way as o conventional oven, usingo heating element
to raisethe temperature of the air insidethe oven.Any
oven temperature from 250%to 450°Fmay be set.
Broilingallows you to broilfoods in the same way as
o conventional oven.
Toastingallows you to toast foods the same way as
o conventional oven.
Afan gently circulates heated air throughout the oven,
over and around the food. Becausethe heated air is
kept constantly moving,not permitting o layer of
cooler air to develop around the food, some foods cook
slightly faster than in regular oven cooking.
The turntable must
always be in place when
using the oven.
nonstick metal tray to bake.
Beforeyou begin,make surethe turntable isin place.
Usethe nonstick metal tray at alltimes when baking.
a, CAUTION:Whenbaking, remember thot
the oven, door and dishes will be very hotI.
How to
Convection Bake
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Fortwo-levelbaking,placefoodin a
foodontop ofthewire rack.Standthe
rackwith foodonthe metaltray.
1. PresstheCONVBAKE/BROILpad.
2. Pressthe dial to selectBAKE.
3. Turnthe dial to set the oven temperature
and pressto enter.
1. When the prompt shows PREHEATTHE
OVEN?turnthe dial to NO.Pressthe dial
or pressSTART/PAUSEto begin cooking.
2. Placethe food in the oven,turn the dial
to set the cook time and pressto enter.
Theovenstarts cooking immediately.
When cooking iscomplete, the oven
will signaland turn off.
1. When the prompt shows PREHEATTHE
OVEN?turnthe dial to YES.Pressthe dial
or pressSTART/PAUSEto begin cooking.
Theovenstarts preheating immediately.
Do not placethe food in the oven.(Youwill
be prompted to enterthe cook time,after
the oven ispreheated.)
2. Whenthe oven isfinished preheating,
it will signal.If you do not open the door
within 1 hour,the ovenwill turn off
automatically. Open the oven door and,
using caution,placethe food in the oven.
3. Closethe oven door.Turnthe dial to set
the cook time and pressto enter and start
cooking.When cooking iscomplete, the
ovenwill signal and turn off.
Youmabtchangethe oventemperatureduring
preheatingbbtpressingthe POWER/TEMPpad
and turning thedial to selectthenew
#the ovendoor isopenedduring cooking,
PAUSEwill appear in the displabt.Closethe
door and pressSTART/PAUSE.
Cooktimesare shown in minutesand con
be a maximum of 179 minutes. Timecan be
changedduring cookingb_tturning thedial
How to
Broil or
...........®® I
Putfooddirectlyontile aluminum
bakingsheetonthewire ovenrack,
tray,whenbroilingor toastingfoods.
1. PresstheCONVBAKE/BROILpad.
2. Turnthe dial to BROILor TOASTand press
to enter.
1. When the prompt shows PREHEATTHE
OVEN?turnthe dial to NO.Pressthe dial
or pressSTART/PAUSEto begin cooking.
2. Placethe food in the oven,turn the dial
to set the cook time and pressto enter.
Pressthe dial to start cooking.When
cooking iscomplete, the oven will signal
and turn off.
1. When the prompt shows PREHEATTHE
OVEN?turn the dial to YES.Pressthe dial
or pressSTART/PAUSEto begin cooking.
Theovenstarts preheating immediately.
Do not placethe food inthe oven.(Youwill
be prompted to enterthe cook time,after
the oven ispreheated.)
2. Whenthe oven isfinished preheating, it
will signal.If you do not open the door
within 1 hour,the ovenwill turn off
automatically. Open the oven door and,
using caution,placethe food in the oven.
3. Closethe oven door.Turnthe dial to
set the cook time and pressto enter
and start cooking.When cooking is
complete, the ovenwill signal and
turn off.
If the ovendoor isopenedduring cooking,
PAUSEwill appear in the displag.Closethedoor
and pressSTART/PAUSE.