sw/hce units
The radiant cooktop teatures heating units
beneath a smooth glass surii_ce.
NOTE: Thi,_ cooktop has Rapid Ite,_)bon,_estqJh_e
units. The _ooktop will automatically heat up or _ool
down to the de,_ired power #vel setting" in the qltid_e,_t
time possib#. 1,17_i#the su@lce units a_, on, you
may not ,sztethem glow red durine," _ertain heat uDor
_ooI down conditions.
Cooktop temperatures increase with the number
of surti_ce milts that are on. X_]th 3 or 4 units
turned on, sm_hce temperatures are high.
Always use caution when touching the cooktop.
The ON/OFF indicator lights will come on
next to the _,li_/ner and Dual surtace milts
when acfixated. I,ights also actixate for the []
(Pan Detect) and '_) (Control I,ock) features
when they are turned on. The indicator lights
will go off when the surthce unit or teattlre is
ttlrned otI.
The ai)i)ropriate HOT SIJI]FACE indicator light
will glow when its corresponding radiant element
is turned on, and will remain on until the surti_ce
has cooled bel_)w 150°F.
Hot surtace indicator light will:
• Come on when the slqJh_e unit i,_ turned on.
• St W on even qfler the unit is turned q]]_
• Glow brig'h@ until the unit ha,s cooled below 150°F.
NOTE: A sl{q'l_t odor i,s norma! when a m,w cooktop is
used fi*r the /i*:st time. It i,s caused by the heating" o/
new Darts and in,sulating" materials and wig
disappear in a short time.
It is sale to place hot cookware fix)m the oven or
surtace on the glass cooktop when the surtace is
cool. Never place cookwance on the control area.
Even atter the surtace units are turned otf, the
glass cooktop retains enough heat to continue
cooking. To avoid overcooking, remove pans
fl'om the surti_ce units when the tood is cooked.
Avoid placing anything on the sm'tace trait tmtil
it has cooled completely.
Never cook directly on the glass.
Always use cookware.
Always placethe pan in the center of the
surface unit you are cooking on.
Do not slide cookware across the control
or cooktop because it can scratch the glass.
The glass is scratch-resistant, not scratchproof.
• I.Ih/¢r stain,s (mineral @asit,O a_, removable using"
the eh,aning" cwam or fidl st_,ne,'lh while vinN'a_:
• U,_eq/window cleaner may leave an iride,_centflhn
on the eooht@. The eleanint_"cwam will remove this
• Don 'l sto*_¢heavy items above the co&t@. [] thO'
drop onto the coohtop, they can cau,s*¢damag'e.
• Do not use the su@¢ce as a cuttine," board.