User Manual
Autopan speed The Autopan speed is a feature that sets how fast the camera moves while
Choices are Slow (default), Medium, and Fast. These settings are scaled
according to the settings set for the slow, medium, and fast Macro and
autopan speed settings. If the numbers in the Macro and autopan speed
setting boxes are lower, then the corresponding Autopan speed settings
will be slower. For example, if the fast Macro and autopan speed setting
were set to 1, instead of 16, then the fast Autopan speed setting would operate
proportionately slower.
Enable proportional zoom
Proportional zoom is a feature that slows the pan and tilt speeds as you zoom
in. This makes it easier to follow far off moving targets when you are zoomed
in to them.
Choices are checked (default) and unchecked.
Enable zoom variable tilt Zoom variable tilt is a feature that lowers the upper tilt limit when the camera is
zoomed out to a wide angle of view so that the trim ring of the dome is not in
view. The feature raises the upper tilt limit when the camera zooms in to a
narrower angle of view, because the trim ring recedes out of view.
Choices are checked (default) and unchecked.
Enable electronic image flip
Electronic image flip (E-flip) is a feature that electronically flips the video
image when the camera is looking straight down so that the camera does not
have to physically flip.
Choices are checked (default) and unchecked.