Exposure Compensation
Shutter Speed
Date Stamp
Flash Compensation
White Balance
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Mode When to use
Press to control
Program AE Mode oers the ease of auto exposure with full access
to all manual controls. The camera automatically sets the shutter
speed and aperture (f-stop) based on the scene lighting.
Exposure compensation (how much light enters
the camera), ash compensation, and ISO speed
Manual Exposure Mode oers manual exposure with full access to all
menu options. (To prevent blur, use a tripod for slow shutter speeds.)
Aperture, shutter speed, ash compensation,
and ISO speed
Exposure Compensation Adjust the exposure. If the scene is too light, decrease the setting; if it's too dark, increase the setting.
ISO Adjust the camera's sensitivity to light. Higher ISO indicates greater sensitivity.
NOTE: A higher ISO may produce unwanted "noise" in a picture.
Flash Compensation Adjust ash brightness.
Shutter Speed Control how long the shutter stays open. (Use a tripod for slow shutter speeds.)
Aperture Also known as F-Stop. Control the size of the lens opening, which determines the depth of eld.
•Smaller aperture numbers indicate a larger lens opening; good for low-light.
•Larger aperture numbers indicate a smaller lens opening; keeps the main subject sharp; good for land-
scapes and well-lit conditions.