2 Make sum intake hoses are tightened securely to machine.
3. Make ,sure drain hose is fastened securely.
1. P#lakesure M {s closed. Washer will not progress through spin cycle with [id
eampleie t%jc!e
up. Lid wil~be automatically 6ocked
during spin portion as a safety measure.
washer Wmn’tspin
4. Make sure lid is closed. Washer will not spin with lid up.
clothes m%??3!CMMX” 7. Load may have been excessively out of baiance. Redistribute ciothes and
ma!!y wet am?r spin rerun through finai spin.
1. The metaiiic ‘6ciicks” you
17f2arduring Cqxwationare rmmai as ‘the timer
2. Uneven ficw Make sure washer is iewi
&d firm to ficmr on Model
tNWP~180F.CMModei WWPI170F (when used as Portabie) reposition
machine to find ievei area.
3. Gqjiirq noise. Maybe noticed vhen, pump ik operating,
washer won’t start
fl. Make sure aii controis are set and the Cycie
Seiedtor is puiied cx..it.
2 Make sure eiectric cord is firrniy piugged in eiectric~i c3utiet.
3, Make sure faucets are turned on.
4. Check fuses and circuit breakers. (Piug iarnp, fan or other srnali appiiance
into electrical receptacle at washer to see if power is avaiiabie.)
Water does not enter f.
Makesure faucets are on and adjusted cor~ectiy+
or ‘mk%’s slowly
2 Make sure LJniccmpie&onnector is attached
properly on lvloc$eiVVVVPI170F,
3. Make sure hoses are not kinked.
4. Check screen, iocated in water vaive. (Unscrew fiii hose from washet) Ciean
if necessary. When re-assembling fiii hose, make hand tight pius % turn with
5. Make sure temperature control is set to MANUAL cm Modei WWPll?OF,
(when used
as mrtaiie).
. r
waler temperature
~. Make sure faucets are adjusted to give desired temperature.
2=check househoici water heater to make sure it is set to deliver correct
–140° to 1509F(60” to (33°q.
3. Make sure Wash/Rinse Temp. Switch is set correctiy on Model WVVFWK9F,
check faucet setting cm iWodei WWPIWOF, @vhenused as Portable).
$. The washe~ncmmaiiy pauses about one-half minute
in progress~ngfrom one
M Cycle
portion of its cycie to the next
!F ~#JASHER$&ML&DC!4ESNOT OPERATE, caii for Service.
To keep your INasjnerlooking good, wipe cabinet with a damp cioth. CMasicmaiiy wash it with mild
soap and water and then apply a iight coat of appiiance poiish to heip preserve the finish.
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