Before you can decide what to do about hard
water, you need to know if you have it and, if so,
how hard it is.
@If you live in a municipalarea, contact your
county agent.
~If you live in a rural area, or in some suburban areas,
contact your county agent.
The answer will be “you have ‘so many grains’ per
gallon” and means this:
Oto 3 grains per gallon-SOFT
4 to 10 grains-HA~
11to 19 grains-VERY W
20 grains and over—EXTREMELY
If you water is SO~, you have no problem. Youcan
use soap or detergentas you prefer and forgetall
about hard water.If you have HARD water—lessthan
10grains—andyou use phosphatedetergent,you also
have no problem.
But, if you have more than ].0grains,you will need to
soften your water with either...
1. An installed water softener in your home, or
2. The use of a packaged water softener.
informationon watersofteners, see
Add thkmuchwatersoftener tith a fti waterlevel
Grainsof 0-10 10-15
When using
%cup %cup 1cup 1cup plus 1tablespoon for every 5 grains above
with detergent
(60 ml)
(120 ml) (160 ml) (240 ml)
30 (240 ml plus 15ml for each extra 5 grains)
When using x cup
3Acup 1cup 1%cups lMcups plus 1tablespoon for every 5 grains
with soap
(80 ml) (160 ml)
(180 ml) (240 ml) (360 ml)
above 30 (300 ml plus 15ml for each extra 5 grains) ‘--:.:- -
. .
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