Other laundry products—
Product & ~pe
Chlorine Liquid
such as Clorox brand
Oxygen Powdered
such as Clorox 2
Rinse additive such
as Downy brand
Wash Additive such
as Rain Barrel brand
Chlorine Bleach,
such as Clorox brand
such as Calgon brand
Precipitating such as
Borax brand
Such as Biz brand
Such as
Spray ‘n Wash
and K2R brands
Powdered such as
Rit and Tintex brands
How to use it
Use your Bleach Dispenser accord-
ing to instructions on page 6.
Follow package directions.
Put bleach into washer with detergent.
Mix recommended amount with one
cup (240 ml) water and add at start of
rinse cycle.
Follow Package directions.
Add during wash cycle.
Use in case of infection and
contagious disease.
See under Bleach above.
Follow package directions
Add at start of wash cycle.
Follow package directions.
Use with detergent or soap in
wash cycle.
Follow package directions.
Follow package directions. Treat
only heavily soiled areas. Check
garment’s hang tag for instructions.
Follow package directions.
NOTE: Tinted garments may not be
color-fast. Wash separately.
Special Instructions
1) Do not pour undiluted liquid chlorine bleach
directly into washer or on dry clothes.
2) Some of today’s washabie fabrics should
not be chlorine bleached such as:
cotton flame-retardant children’s sleep-
wear, silk, wool, mohair, spandex, leather,
or non-fast colors. Dilute bleach before
using on any fabric.
3) Check manufacturer’s hang tags for
special instructions.
1) Maybe used on all kinds of fabrics.
2) Is most effective in hot water.
1) Helps make clothes fluffy and soft.
2) Reduces static electricity.
3) Use carefully. Too much may cause
staining on some clothes.
Use carefully. Too much may cause
staining on some clothes,
Guards against infection by killing
most bacteria and viruses?
Suspends hardness minerals in solution,
keeping water clear.
Combines with water hardness minerals to
form precipitate which gives cloudy or milky
appearance to water.
CAUTION: Washer control panels and finishes
may be damaged by some laundry pre-treat-
ment soil and stain remover products if such
products are sprayed on or have direct contact
with the washer. Apply these pre-treatment
products away from washer. The fabric may
then be washed normally. Damage to your washer
caused by pre-treatment products is not covered
by your warranty.
Clean washer to avoid discoloration of next load.
Go through complete cycle (5-rein. wash) using
hot water, M cup (120 ml) detergent, 1 cup (240 ml)
bleach. Wipe exterior parts. Caution: Tinting may
discolor plastic in washer. Subsequent washings will
reduce discoloration but may never eliminate it.
●For more information on sanitizers, send for Government Bulletin, #57B. “Sanitation in Home Laundering:’ See page 17 for address