If Something Goes Wrong
Problem Possible Causes What to Do
Some fabrics will naturally • Hot water is more likely to cause shrinkage
shrink in the wash than cold water.
• Follow directions on fabric care label.
Pins, snaps, hooks, sharp • Fasten snaps, hooks, buttons, and zippers.
buttons, belt buckles,
• Remove loose items like pins, objects in
zippers, and sharp objects
pockets and sharp buttons.
left in pockets
• Turn knits (which snag easily) inside out.
Undiluted chlorine bleach • Check bleach package instructions for
proper amount.
• Never add undiluted bleach to wash or
allow clothes to come in contact with
undiluted bleach.
Small tears or holes • Repair tears and holes before washing.
present before wash
Chemicals like hair bleach, • Rinse items that may have chemicals
hair dye, permanent wave on them before washing.
solution and toilet bowl cleaners
Permanent press items • While this is not caused by the washer,
naturally fray (especially you can slow the fraying process by
collars and cuffs) washing small permanent press loads with
a higher load/water level setting.
• Avoid washing heavy items (like towels)
with permanent press items.
Snags, Holes, Tears,
Rips, or Excessive