Use this
only for its
purpose as
described in
this Owner's
• Never reach into washer while it is mtMng.
_Mfit until the machine has completely stopped
befin'e opening the lid.
• Do not mix chlorine bleach with ammonia or
adds such as vinegar and/or rust removei:
Mixing different chemicals can produce a toxic
gas which may cause death.
• Do not wash or (hy articles that have been
cleaned in, washed in, soaked in or spotted with
combustible or explosive substances (such as
wax, oil, paint, gasoline, degreaseis, dry-cleaning
solvents, kerosene, etc.). These substances give
off \'apoi_ that may ignite or explode. Do not
add these substances to the wash watei: Do not
use or place these substances around your
washer or dryer duling operation.
• The laundI 7 process can reduce tile flame
retaMancy of flJbrics. To avoid such a result,
careflllly fbllow the garment manufi_cmrer's
_V;Ish and care insti tlctions.
• To minimize the possibili F ot electric shock,
unplug this appliance fl'om the power supply
or disconnect the washer at the household
distribution panel by removing the Rise or
switching off the circuit breaker before
attempting any maintenance or cleaning.
NOTE: Turning the Cycle Selector knob to an
off position does NOTdisconnect the appliance
from the power suppl>
• Never attempt to operate this appliance if it is
damaged, malflmctioning, paifially disassembled,
or has missing or broken parts, including a
damaged coM or plug.
• Turn off water fimcets to relieve pressure on
hoses and \_fl\'es and to minimize leakage if
a break or rupture should occtu: Check the
condition of the fill hoses; they should be
replaced every 5 veals.
• gefiwe discarding a washei; or ren]oving it
fl'oln service, relnove the washer lid to prevent
children from hiding inside.
• Do not attempt to repair or replace any part of
this appliance Ulfless specifically recolnmelMed
in this Owner's Malmal, or in published use>
repair instructioi]s that you ui]delstand and
have the skills to carIw out.
• Do not talnper with controls.