p. 3
1. Description
Media properties
SP Sepharose
High Performance and Q Sepharose High Performance
are strong cation and strong anion exchangers respectively. Both remain
charged and maintain high capacity over broad pH ranges. The functional
groups are coupled to the matrix via chemically stable ether linkages.
Characteristics of HiTrap SP HP and HiTrap Q HP, 1 and 5 ml columns are
listed in Table 1.
HiTrap Q HP and HiTrap SP HP are 1 ml and 5 ml columns made of
polypropylene, which is biocompatible and non-interactive with
biomolecules. The top and bottom frits are manufactured from porous
polyethylene. It is delivered with a stopper on the inlet and a snap-off end
on the outlet.
The separation can be easily achieved using a syringe together with the
supplied luer adaptor, a peristaltic pump, or in a chromatography system
such as ÄKTA
or FPLC.
Note: To prevent leakage it is essential to ensure that the adaptor is tight.
The column cannot be opened or refilled.