Automatic Cooking Control Guide
● Do not open oven door during
● Add 1/4-1/2 cup water to fresh
Auto cycle. Door may be opened
aller oven beeps and the co-untdown
time is displayed.
● Most foods should be covered
with lid to dish or wax paper to
● Match the amount of food
prevent spattering to keep oven
to the size of the container. Fill
clean. Spareribs, pot roasts and
containers at least 1/2 till.
meat loaf should be covered tightly
to ensure even cooking.
● Be sure outside of container and
inside of oven are dry.
● If food needs additional cooking,
return to oven and use Auto Cook
Code 1.
● Use preferencecontrol “l” or “9”
to adjust cook times to suit your
individual tastes. See page 18.
● Use of Automatic Cooking
feature with DOUBLE DUTVM
shelf is not recommended.
N~E: Oven will not accept “Auto Cook Code” if the oven is hot. You must cool the oven before using Auto Cook
or you may choose to use Time or Temperature Microwave Cooking.
“Auto Cook”
Food Code
Container Approx. Time
Canned Foods
Microwave-safe 2-3 min./cup
Cover with lid to dish or wax paper.
Thin foods such as
container matched to
soup, broth, gravy. size of food.
Thick foods such as 1
Microwave-safe 4 min./cup
Cover with lid to dish or wax paper.
canned ravioli, container matched to
chunky soups, beef
size of food.
stew, all canned
Leftovers 1
4 min./cup
Cover with iid to dish or wax paper.
container matched to
size of food.
TV Dinners
Cook in container
8-10 min.
If foil tray is no more than 3/4” deep,
(except for those
(see comments).
remove foil top, return to original box and
with pasta) reclose box. If tray is more than 1” deep,
Frozen Entrees
Cook in container
17-20 min.
remove food and place in microwave-safe
(see comments).
dish and cover. If dinner is in paperboard
on size
container, remove from box and cook in
original container.
Frozen Pouch Meals
3-8 min. When microwaving meals containing 2
pouches, make l-inch slit in center of each
pouch. Place pouch containing meat on
microwave-safe plate, with remaining
pouch on top. Flex pouch before serving.
Frozen Lasagna
5 1 or 1
Y2 qt. casserole
10-20 min.
Remove lasagna from foil tray and place in
with lid to dish. microwave-safe dish and cover. Let stand 3
to 5 minutes before serving.
With precooked
2-3 qt. casserole with
ingredients in a white
lid to dish.
sauce such as tuna
noodle casserole,
turkey tetrazzini.
With raw ingredients
6 2-3 qt. casserole with
16-24 min.
such as hamburger
lid to dish.
patty stew, scalloped
potatoes, seafood