
Do not cleanthe bake unitor broil unit. Anysoil willburn off
when the
unit is heated.
NOTE:The bakeunit is hingedand can beliftedgentlytc
cleanthe ovenfloor. Jfspillover,residue,or ash accumulatesaround the
bakeunit. aentlvwit)earound the unit withwarmwater.
Bake Unit and
Broil [Jnit
Broiler Pan and Rack
Control Knobs:
Range Top and (hen
Drain fat, coolpan and rack slightly.(Do not let soiledpan and rack
stand in ovento cool).Sprinkleondetergent. Fillthe pan withwarm
waterand spreadcloth or papertowel overthe rack. Let panand rack
stand fora fewminutes.Wash;scourif necessary.Rinseand dry.
OPTION:The broilerpan and rack mayalso becleanedin a dishwasher
Pull offknobs.Washgentlybutdo not soak. Dryand returncontrols to
rangemakingsureto match flat area on the knoband shaft.
e Soapand Water
e plastic ScouringPad
e MildSoap and
Washall glasswithcloth dampenedin soapywater. Rinseand polish
witha dry cloth. If knobsare removed,do r!otallowwater to run down
insidethe surfaceofclass whilecleaning.
Outside Glass Finish
e Soapand Water
Wash,rinse,and then polishwitha dry cloth. DO NOTUSEsteelwool,
abrasives,ammonia,acids, or commercialovencleanerswhichmay
damagethe finish.
Metal, including
Brushed Chrome
and Cooktop
Porcelain Enamel
e Soapand Water
Avoidcleaningpowdersor harshabrasiveswhichmayscratchtheenamel
Ifacids shouldspill onthe rangewhileit is hot, usea dry papertowelor
cloth to wipeup rightaway.Whenthesurfacehas cooled,washand rinse
~ Dry Cloth
e Soapand Water
For other spills,suchas fat smatterings,etc., washwithsoapand water
whencooledand then rinse.Polishwitha dry cloth.
Usea mildsolutionof soapand water. Do not useany harshabrasives
or cleaningpowderswhichmayscratchor mar surface.
Painted Surfaces
e Soapand Water
Toclean ovendoor; removebyopeningto BROIL positionand grasping
door at sides,Liftdoor up and awayfrom hinges.Clean withsoapand
water, Replacebygraspingdoor at sidesand liningupdoor with hinges.
Pushdoor firmlyinto place,
Cool beforecleaning.Frequentwipingwithmildsoap and waterwill
prolongthe time bctwccnmajor’cleanings.Besureto rinsethoroughly.
Removethe OvenVentDuctfound underthe right rear
surfaceunit. Washin hot, soapywaterand dryand replace.
Yourshelvescan becleanedbyhand usingany and all mentionedmater-
ials. Rinsethorowzhlvto removeall materialsafter cleaninz.
nside Oven Door*
)ven Liner
lven Vent Duct
o Soap and Water
o Soap and Water
e Soapand Water
- ––
o Soap and Water
Spattersand spillsburn awaywhenthe coilsarc heated. .Atthe cnd ofa
meal,rcmovcall utensilsfromthe Calrod@unit and heatthe soiledunits
:lt i-I!,Letthe soil burnoffabout a minuteand switchthe units to OFF.
Avoidgettingcleaningmaterialson the coils.Wipeoffanycleaning
materialswitha damp paper towel
b~fow heatingthe Calrod@unit,
;alrod@ Surface
Jnit Coils
DO NOThandlethe unit beforecompletelycooled.
DO NOTself-cleanplug-inunits.
DO NOTimmerse~lu~-inunitsin anv kind ot’iiauid.
For cleaning,removedrawerbypullingit all the wayopen, tilt up the
front and lift out, Wipewithdamp cloth or spongeand replace.Never
useharsh abrasivesor scouringpads,
Cleanas describedbelowor in the dishwasher.Wipeall ringsatlcr each
cookingso unnoticedspatter willnot “burn on” next timeyoucook. To
rcrnove“burned-on”spatters useany or allcleaningmateriak mentioned
/i.g/7~/J’with scouringpad to preventscratchingofthe surface,
Coolpan slightly,Sprinkleon detergent
iil~dwashor scourPiillwith
warmwater, Rinseand dry, In addition, pan mayalso bccleanedin the
itorage Drawers o Soap and Water
s Soapand Water
*Soap-FilledScouring Pad
(Non Metallic)
Mrome-lPiated Rings
mChrome Trim
?ings and Pans
‘orceiain Drip Pans
BSoap and Water
PSoap-FilledScouring Pad
~Plastic Scouring Pad
of ~,l;lrjn:lclCS,fruitiujc~s,~1IldfxIS[i11~III;It~rj:i]$COHt:IjIIin~a~idsInayC;lUSCdiscolo1“:1tiOtl, Spillovcrs SI1OI.I1[1IX wipfxl Up im IIICIIiilttly,with C:l1.C
bci ng tdkcn 10 not
touchanj hot portionOf’the oven.Whenthesurfaceiscool.cleanandrinse,