A WARNING! Foryoursafe theinformationinthismanualmustbefollowedtominimizetheriskoffire
or explosion, electric shock, or to prevent property damage, personal injury, or loss of life.
Use this
only for its
purpose as
described in
this Owner's
Undercertain conditionshydrogengasmaybeproducedin a water heater thathasnot beenusedfor two weeks
or more.Hydrogengas can be explosiveunder these circumstances.
If the hot water has not been used tin two weeks or more, prevent tile possibili Wot damage or injuU by turning on
all hot water timcels and allotting them to mn for several minutes. Do this betore using any elecuical appliance
which is connected to the hot water system. This simple procedure will alh_wany buih-up hydrogen gas to escape.
Since the gas is flammable, do not smoke or use an open flame or appliance during this process.
Thiswashermust be properlyinstalledand locatedin accordance with the InstallationInstructions beforeit is used.If
youdid not receivean InstallationInstructionssheet, youcanreceive oneby calling,toll-free 1-800-361-3400.
mInstall o_ store where i[x_illnot be exposed to mI'roperly _ound washer to contorm _ilh all governing
temperam_>s below freezing or exposed tothe _valher. codes and ordinances. Follow details in Installation
• Keep tile _uea underneafll and around your
appliances fiee of combustible materials such as
lint, paper, rags, chelnicals, etc.
• (lose supervision is necessa U iftliis appliance is used
by or near dfildren. Do not allow children to play on,
with, or inside tiffs or any odmr appliance.
• Never readl into washer while it is moving. 'v\:_dt
until tile machine has completely stopped before
opening the lid.
• Do not mix chlorine bleach x_dthammonia or acids
such asvinegar and/or rust remover. Mixing
(fiflerent chemicals can produce a toxic gas which
may cause death.
• Do not wash or dU articles that have been cleaned in,
washed in, soaked in, or spotted with combustible or
explosive subslam_s (such aswax, oil, paint, gasoline,
de_easers, dr?cleaning solvents, kerosene, etc,) which
may ignite or explode. Do not add these substances to
tlle wash water. Do not use or place tllese substances
around your washer or dryer during operation.
• Tile laund U process can reduce the flame retardancy
of fabrics. To avoid such a resuh, carefiflly tollow tile
garment manufacturer's wash and care instructions.
• To minimize tile possibility of elecuic shock, unplug
this appliance fiom the power supply or disconnect
the washer at the h{)usehold distribution panel by
rem{Mng the fi_se or switching off the drcuit breaker
befi)re attempting aW maintenance or cleaning.
NOTE'Turning the Cycle Selector knob to an off
position does NOT(fisconnect the appliance flom
the power supply.
• Never attempt to operate this appliance ifit is damaged,
malfim(doning, partially disassembled, or has missing
or broken parts, including a damaged (ord or plug.
• TllI'n oJ]wa/eI" fin]eels/o relieve pressure oil hoses
and valves and to minimize leakage ifa break or
rupture sh()uld occur, Check the condition of the
fill hoses; they may need replacement after 5 years,
• Before discarding a washer, or removing it flom
service, remove the washer lid to prevent chil(hen
fiom hiding inside.
• Do not attempt to repair or replace any part of this
appliance unless specifically recommended in this
Owner's Manual, or in published user-repair
instructions that y_)uunderstand and have the skills
to C:4I'I)"()lit.
• Do not tamper with conuols.