57Chapter 4 Configuration with Logicmaster 90–70
After the configuration is saved, the Remote Drop rack configuration screen appears.
The Remote I/O Scanner is located in slot 1.
The configuration screen shows the rack and slot location of the Bus Controller, and
the Bus Address, Remote Drop rack, and Drop ID of the Remote I/O Scanner.
Location of
Bus Controller
Genius Bus Address
of the Remote I/O Scanner
Remote Drop Rack
Drop ID
Drop IDs and Bus Addresses
As mentioned, a Remote I/O Scanner’s Drop ID is not the same as its Bus Address:
The Bus Address is the Remote I/O Scanner’s communications address
on the Genius bus. The Bus Address is selected when the Remote I/O
Scanner is configured as a Genius bus device. The range of Bus
Addresses is 0 to 31. Each Bus Address is unique only on that bus.
The Drop ID is a unique number from 16 to 254 by which the central
PLC can uniquely identify any device connected as a remote drop on
the Genius bus. There are two such devices, the Remote I/O Scanner
and the Series 90–30 Enhanced Genius Communications Module
The Remote I/O Scanner makes further use of the Drop ID by
incorporating it into its SNP ID as DropXXX where XXX is the 3–digit
Drop ID. The Logicmaster software assigns the letters “DROP” by
default; these may be altered in the SNP ID screen, but the three last
digits may not.
As noted on the previous page, the software automatically assigns a
Drop ID to each Remote I/O Scanner. For the first Remote I/O Scanner
to be configured, the default Drop ID 33 should appear in the DROP
ID: field. Within a central PLC folder, Drop IDs are automatically
incremented from 033 – 254, and when those are used, 016 – 032. No
two remote drops can have the same Drop ID. If there is a “detached”
remote drop file in the current folder, its Drop ID is skipped in the
If you prefer to use a Drop ID other than the one that has been
assigned, you can edit the Drop ID parameter on the Remote I/O
Scanner configuration screen.
Bus Address
Drop ID