Remove: Remove a contact from your Contact list. This option
applies to Skype as well as landline contacts.
1. From theFrom the idle screen, presspress to enter the main menu.to enter the main menu.
2. Press to selectto select Contacts.
3. Press andand to find and select a contact.to find and select a contact.
4. Press andand to selectto select Advanced.
5. Press andand to selectto select Remove.
6. Press andand to select the required type of removal youto select the required type of removal you
prefer (Remove and block, Remove).
7. In both cases you are asked whether you really want to remove
the contact. Press to remove the contact,to remove the contact, to cancel.to cancel.
Edit a SkypeOut Contact Number
1. From theFrom the idle screen, presspress to enter the main menu.to enter the main menu.
2. Press to selectto select Contacts.
3. Press andand to find and select a contact.to find and select a contact.
4. Press andand to selectto select Advanced.
5. Press andand to selectto select Edit.
6. Use
to clear and the keypad to retype revised number.
Block/Unblock a Contact
You can block a Skype contact to prevent them from calling, thus
avoiding all contact. Please note that this option only applies to
Skype calls. You can see your blocked contacts under Settings
Manage blocked users. At any time you can choose to unblock a
blocked contact.
1. From theFrom the idle screen, presspress to enter the main menu.to enter the main menu.
2. Press to selectto select Contacts.
3. Press and to find and select the contact.
4. Press and to select Advanced.
5. Press and to select Block.
6. Press to block, press again to unblock.