[EN] English - 1K386 Issue 1
Table of Contents
Introduction ............................................................................ 1
Safety ...................................................................................... 1
Safety - Marks and symbols on the instrument .................... 1
To start .................................................................................... 2
To start - Location of items ................................................ 2
To start - Items on the display ............................................ 2
To start - Prepare the instrument .......................................... 2
To start - Power on or off ...................................................... 2
To start - Set up the basic operation ..................................... 3
To start - Select a task (Measure) ........................................ 3
To start - Set up the settings ................................................. 4
To start - Edit functions ......................................................... 4
Operation ................................................................................ 4
Operation - Thermocouple connections ............................... 4
Operation - Communications port connections .................... 4
Operation - Measure temperature ........................................ 5
Operation - IDOS Pressure measurements .......................... 5
Operation - Use the Snapshot functions ............................... 6
Maintenance ........................................................................... 7
Maintenance – Clean the unit ............................................... 7
Maintenance – Replace the batteries ................................. 7
Maintenance – Recalibrate the unit ...................................... 7
Specification data .................................................................. 8
Specification - General ......................................................... 8
Specification - Temperature ranges ...................................... 8
Customer Service ..................................................Back cover
The DPI 820 Dual Input Thermometer is part of the GE Druck
DPI 800 series of hand held instruments.
The DPI 800 series uses Intelligent Digital Output Sensor (IDOS)
technology to give instant plug and play functionality with a
range of Universal Measurement Modules (UMM).
The DPI 820 includes these functions:
Before you use the instrument, make sure that you read and
understand all the related data. This includes: all local safety
procedures, the instructions for the UMM (if applicable), and this
Before you start an operation or procedure, make sure that you
have the necessary skills (if necessary, with qualifications from
an approved training establishment). Follow good engineering
practice at all times.
• It is dangerous to ignore the specified limits for the
instrument or to use the instrument when it is not in its
normal condition. Use the applicable protection and
obey all safety precautions.
• Do not use the instrument in locations with explosive
gas, vapor or dust. There is a risk of an explosion.
• To prevent electrical shocks or damage to the
instrument, do not connect more than 30V between the
terminals, or between the terminals and the ground
• UMM - Pressure options only. To prevent a dangerous
release of pressure, isolate and bleed the system before
you disconnect a pressure connection.
Safety - Marks and symbols on the instrument
* Measure temperature: T1 and/or T2
* Refer to “Specification”.
** Optional item
* Measure temperature difference: T1 - T2
* Cold Junction (CJ) compensation
Snapshot: Up to 1000 displays with a date/time stamp
Communications port: IDOS or RS232
Language selection
** Measure pressure/Leak test: UMM - Pressure
Other functions: Hold, Maximum/Minimum/Average, Filter, Tare,
Scaled values, Backlight, Alarm
Complies with European
Union directives
Warning - refer to the
Read the manual Battery
Ground (Earth)
Identifies the
thermocouple connector