Pinaappte Ca$serole is a tangy
or meat accompaniment,
In 12 x 8 x
2-in. dish spread2 cans
(20 oz. ea.) drained pineapple
chunks, 1 cup sugar and % cup
flour. Cover and microwave on
Auto Cook code 2, When oven
signalsandtime remainingappears
on readout, remove covering and
top with mixture of 2cups buttery-
fkwored crackercrumbs and %cup
melted butter, Da not recover,
Touch “Start” and finish cooking.
automatic cook well
Auto Cook Code 2, Match
number of applesto size of micro-
wave-safe covered container (see
page 246 in Microwave Guide and
Cookbook). UseAuto Cook Code
2 for Baked Pearsand Applesauce
to &
StewedFruit and Fruit Compotes
should bestirred well beforemicro-
waving,especiallyif sugarisadded.
Cover; useAuto Cook Code 2 and
stir once or twice after oven sig-
nals and time appears on readout.
Touch “Start” and finish cooking.
After preparing the ingredients for the individual recipe as shown below tho picture, follow thesesteps
for cooking,
1:Cover with plastic wrap and use Auto Cook
Step3:When cooking is finished, turn out (upside
Code 3,
down) the Nut Cakeand Cornbread. InvertCaramel
Step 2: When oven signals and time remaining Biscuit Ring and let dish stand over ring a few
appearson readout,removecoveringartd?atatedish
minutes before serving,
Gretlw3boitonl arwf
aidesof fluted cake
ly with 1/3 cup chopped nuts or
coconut,Carefully pour batterfrom
one box {24ayarsize)cakemix over
nuts, cover with plastia wrap. See
Stepsabovefor Autcmwi!i~Choking,