Factory defaults LAN connection, 16
restoring, 14 LAN ports
Firefox, disabling proxy settings, 25 enabling or disabling, 33
Firewall LAN Settings menu, 32
configuring, 48 Lease time, 32
disabling, 26 LEDs, 12
Front panel, 11 Locating the Gateway, 16
LEDs, 12 Logging in to Web management, 27
Login password, 31
MAC Filtering menu, 39 configuring, 24
Menus connecting to the LAN, 16
Access Control, 49 connecting to the WAN, 17
Advanced Wirerless Settings, 41 front panel, 11
Cable Status, 62 installing, 15
DMZ (Demilitarized Zone), 58 key features, vi
Email/Syslog Alerts, 55 LEDs, 12
Ether Switch Port Control, 33 locating, 16
LAN Settings, 32 package contents, 10
MAC Filtering, 39 powering on, 17
Password Settings, 31 preconfiguring, 25
Port Forwarding, 43 rear panel, 13
Reboot, 59 rebooting and keeping custom settings, 59
Schedule Rules, 54 rebooting and restoring custom settings, 14
Security Settings (Firewall), 48 specifications, 63
Special Application, 50 system requirements, 10
Status, 60 Web management, 27
System Settings, 30
Trigger, 50
URL Blocking, 52
Idle timeout, 31
Wireless Basic Setitngs, 35
Installation, 15
Wireless Encryption Setitngs, 36
Internet Explorer, disabling proxy settings, 25
Menus in Web management, 29
TCP/IP configuration for Windows 2000, 19
Key features, vi
TCP/IP configuration for Windows Vista, 21
Keyword blocking, 53
TCP/IP configuration for Windows XP, 20
SMCD3GN Wireless Cable Modem Gateway User Manual