Roasting table
* First brown the meat all-round in the casserole on the cooker.
** Cook the meat at a low temperature and set the temperature higher during the last 15-20 minutes.
Note: the values given above must be looked upon as recommended values. You are advised to always preheat the oven.
The recommended mode is printed in bold.
Dish Level Hot air Grill and Top and Cooking Core
hot air bottom heat time temperature
from below Temp. °C Temp. °C Temp. °C minutes sensor
Roast boar (casserole*) 170-180 60-90
Leg of venison (casserole*) 170-180 60-80
Saddle of venison 2 165-175 170-180 20-25
Leg of lamb (casserole*) 180-200 35-45 65-75 °C
2-3 kg** 2 160/190 160/190 100-120 90 °C
Duck breast 2 160 160 15-20 90 °C
2-3 kg** 2 160/190 160/190 100-120 90 °C
3-4 kg** 2 160/190 160/190 120-180 90°C
Roast chicken 2 180 180 50-60 90 °C