Error codes (con’t from previous page)
Error Error Name Description Action
186 DRU Memory Shortage It looks that data cannot be recorded
more than 12 hours.
Modify radar recording setting. Max.
recordable channel: two channels.
214 Battery Running Both AC and DC power are down and
switching to battery drive. Audible
alarms are generated for max. two
Reconnect AC and/or DC power.
218 MIC Test Fail This ALARM is issued when the
microphone test fails. This test can
be run from Audio tab in the VDR
Maintenance Viewer, and is run every
12-hours during normal operation.
Check MIC TEST in the VDR
Maintenance Viewer. If this is OK,
locate the faulty microphone and
check/replace it.
226 DRU Flash Device No
This indicates that no. of FLASH
devices found in DRU and defined in
CONFIGURATION is not same.
Check if no. of FLASH devices and
configuration setting are same.
234 GPS No Connection System does not receive UTC
Check that a valid UTC source is
connected to the serial port defined
as UTC source.
246 PDU No Connection Cable connection inside DCU is
Check cable between PDU and CPU
block in DCU.
254 Self Test Fail System failed by the self test. Request service.
Serial No Connection Data is not delivered from a serial
ohannel within an assigned time.
Reconnect serial data. Check failed
401 Battery No Connection
or Battery Voltage Low
Battery voltage is not coming or it is
Confirm that the battery switch is
turned on. If ok, battery is required to
replace a new one.
402 Terminal Board No
Terminal board is abnormal. Confirm cable connection between
terminal board and audible interface
403 Battery Voltage Low Batter voltage is lowered. It is required replacement of battery.
406 DRU Exchanged This indicates that DRU is replaced. Restart VR-3000/S
407 Backup HDD Exchanged This indicated that backup HDD is
Restart VR-3000/S
411 Frame Grabber Board
Radar interface board is available but
it is not recognized.
Request service.
412 Audio Board Fail Audible interface board is available
but it is not recognized.
Request service.
413 Serial Board Fail Serial interface board is available but
it is not recognized.
Request service.
JB No Connection Poor connection between JB(No.2-
8)and DCU.
Check cable and IP-address setting.
DCU Serial Buffer
Serial data from DCU serial channels
(1-8) aren't recorded to DRU and
Backup HDD correctly.
Restart VDR. If error occurs again,
request service.
432 JB Buffer overflow
Serial, analog and digital data from
Junction Box aren't recorded to DRU
and Backup HDD correctly.
Restart VDR. If error occurs again,
request service.