Connection of external power supply
An external power supply is necessary when the repeater signal is step-by-step
type and the step voltage is below 20V or output voltage is less than 5 W.
1. Cut jumper wire JP1 on the GYRO CONVERTER Board when an external power
supply is used.
2. Connect gyro cable and power cable as shown below.
1 R2
Either connection
in case of DC
2 R1/COM
External Power Supply
20 - 135 VAC
20✄✏✄100 VDC
1 S1
2 S2
3 S3
4 T
5 F.G.
(Step type)
Figure 4-3 Connection of external power supply to GYRO CONVERTER Board
DIP switch, jumper wire settings
Default setting
The default setting of all DIP switches is off and all jumpers wire are set to “#1.”
(Note that jumper wire JP1 is set at #1, #2, and #3.) In those settings the gyrocom-
pass having the following characteristics can be directly connected; modification
of the GYRO CONVERTER Board is not necessary.
AC synchronous signal: 50/60 Hz
Rotor voltage: 60 V to 135 V AC
Stator voltage: 60 V to 135 V AC
Gear ratio: 360x
Supply voltage: 30 V to 135 V AC
If the specifications of the gyrocompass differ from those mentioned above, change
jumper wire and DIP switches settings on the GYRO CONVERTER Board. Set-
tings may be changed according to gyrocompass specifications or make and model
of gyrocompass (see page 4-5). For the location of DIP switches and jumper wires,
see page 4-6.