2.5 Units Menu
[Depth]: Select unit of depth measurement,
among [m], [ft], [fm], [HR] (Hiro, Japanese)
and [pb].
[Temp]: Select unit of water temperature
measurement, between °C and °F. Water
temperature data is required.
[Fish Size]: Select unit of fish size measure-
ment, between [inch] and [cm].
[Speed]: Select unit of speed measurement
among [kn], [km/h] and [mph]. Speed data is
[Wind]: Select unit of wind speed measure-
ment, among [kn], [km/h], [mph] and [m/s].
Wind speed data is required.
[Distance]: Select unit of distance measure-
ment, among [NM], [km] and [SM].
2.6 Calib Menu
[Draft]: The default depth
display shows the distance
from the transducer. If you
would rather show the dis-
tance from the sea surface,
set your ship's draft.
[Gain ADJ HF], [Gain ADJ
LF]: If the gain is too high or
too low, or the gain for the
low and high frequencies
appears unbalanced, you
can compensate it here.
[Temp]: If the water temper-
ature indication is wrong,
you can correct it here. For
example, if the water tem-
perature indication is 2°
higher than actual water temperature,
enter -2.
[Speed(STW)]: If the speed
indication is wrong, you can
correct it here. For example,
if the speed indication is
10% lower than actual
speed, enter +10.
[Fish Size]: Compensate for wrongful indica-
tion of fish size.
[Water Type]: Select the water type with
which to use the equipment, from [Salt] or
[Fresh]. Select correct water type to get accu-
rate depth data.
[Zero Line Rejector]: Turn the zero line
(transmission line) on or off. When turned on,
the transmission line disappears, which al-
lows you to see fish echoes near the surface
clearly. The length of the transmission line
changes with transducer used and installation
characteristics. If the width of the transmis-
sion line is 4.5 ft (default value) or more, set
the transmission line width with [Zero Line Ar-
ea], as below.
Compensation size Setting value
Double +100%
1.5 +50%
1/2 -50%
1/3 -65%
1/4 -75%
1/5 -80%