
7. Vector Charts
Failed conversion of an update
Chart is partly usable, but it is not up-to-date and you need the latest edition of the chart from its publisher. Note that
the chart is still ENC, but it no longer fulfils the SOLAS requirement..
Failed auto. conv: ENC: GB500005.001, edt: 2, upd: 1 / 1997 9 26 Updating impossible before
new edition of base cell
Failed conversion. Checksum is not correct
Chart is not usable and you cannot view it. Try to reload the base cell or update from the original media. And if that
doesn't work order a new CD ROM from your chart supplier.
Failed automatic conversion: ENC: SG5CONTL.000, edt: 1, upd: 0 / 1996 2 25 CHECKSUM ERROR
Failed conversion. Checksum of an update is not correct
Chart is partly usable, but it is not up-to-date. Try to reload the update from the original media. And if that doesn't
work order a new CD ROM from your chart supplier. Note that the chart is still ENC, but it no longer fulfils the
SOLAS requirement.
Failed automatic conversion: ENC: GB5X01SW.002, edt: 1, upd: 2 / 2005 1 1 CHECKSUM ERROR
Failed conversion. At least one of the previous updates has failed in its SENC conversion
The system cannot accept additional updates unless all previous updates have been successfully converted into the
SENC. Chart is partly usable, but it is not up-to-date. Try to reload the failed previous update from the original
media (in this example the failed previous update is GB5X01SW.002). And if that doesn't work, order a new CD
ROM from your chart supplier. Note that the chart is still ENC, but it no longer fulfils the SOLAS requirement.
Failed automatic conversion: ENC: GB5X01SW.003, edt: 1, upd: 3 / 2005 9 8 PREVIOUS Update
Failed conversion. The base cell has failed in its SENC conversion
The system cannot accept updates unless the base cell has been successfully converted into the SENC. Chart is not
usable and you cannot view it. Try to reload the base cell from the original media (in this example the failed base
cell is GB5X01SW.000). And if that doesn't work, order a new CD ROM from your chart supplier.
Failed automatic conversion: ENC: GB5X01SW.001, edt: 1, upd: 1 / 1998 9 8 PREVIOUS Base CELL