2.41.7 Chart alert function
The chart alert function operates in chart mode only. There are two types of chart
alerts: your ship's predicted course, and route alert. See chapter 11 for details.
For the ship's predicted course alert, the operator sets a safety contour. (See
paragraph 8.2.1 for how to set a safety contour suitable for the ship.) The operator
also sets the parameters for own ship predicted movement. (See section 11.2 "How
to Activate Own Ship Check".)
For the route alert, route planning (see section 12.3 "How to Create a New Route")
and route monitoring (see section 14.1 "How to Select the Route to Monitor") functions
are available.
2.41.8 Notes details
"Notes" provides messages for the operator relative to a specific ship position. The
chart radar compares the Notes position and own ship position and displays the Notes
when own ship is at the distance from the Notes specified in route planning. To display
the Notes at other times, right-click the display area to show the context-sensitive
menu, then select [Notes Detail]. In the example below the Notes about a wreck are
• [Object name]: The name assigned to the Notes.
• [Object class]: The type of object (point, line, area or
circle) linked to the Notes.
• [Position]: Position of the object in latitude and
• [Range]: The range to the object.
• [Description]: A description of the object, input in the
Voyage planning mode.
Wreck area
Wreck within circle