1.1.3 Processor Unit EC-3000
The Processor Unit is the heart of the chart system, and is mainly responsible for the
chart management, route planning and route navigation.
The Processor Unit has two power switches. The Mains switch controls the power
from the switchboard, and the Power switch controls the power to the chart radar sys-
Note 1: Do not operate the chart radar with a DVD or CD inserted in the DVD drive,
to prevent damage to the drive and media. Remove media from the drive after usage.
Insert media only to update charts. After completion of an update, remove the media
from its drive and store it in its case. Store media out of direct sunlight, in a place
where temperature and humidity are moderate and stable.
Note 2: To keep the system stable, restart the unit at least once every two weeks.
Note 3: Close the lid of the DVD drive when the drive is not in use.
1.2 How to Turn the System On/Off
Normally, leave the power switches at the front of the Processor Unit on and control
the power with the power switch on a Control Unit (RCU-025, RCU-026). The monitor
unit is powered independently.
How to power the system
Push the mains switch on the Processor Unit for the "I" position. Turn on the power
switch on the Processor Unit or a Control Unit. The start-up display appears on the
After the power is applied, the program starts up and about one minute later the bear-
ing scale appears. The radar then goes into three minutes of warm-up time to warm
the magnetron, which transmits radar pulses. The timer at the center of the screen
counts the time remaining for warm-up. When the timer shows 0:00, the indication
"ST-BY" appears at the screen center. The radar is now ready to transmit radar puls-
es. In the stand-by condition, no radar pulses are transmitted and TT nor AIS is active.
The settings on the menus are stored in a non-volatile memory (hard disk) and are
preserved when the power is turned off.
Note 1: The solid state radar does not have a magnetron, therefore it has no warming
Power switch
Mains switch