1.7 Optional Triducer 524ST-MSD
The triducer is designed for thru-hull mounting.
Mounting considerations
When selecting a mounting location keep the following points in mind:
• Air bubbles and turbulence caused by movement of the boat seriously degrade the
sounding capability of the transducer. The transducer should, therefore, be located in a
position where water flow is the smoothest. Noise from the propellers also adversely
affects performance and the transducer should not be mounted nearby. The lifting
strakes are notorious for creating acoustic noise, and these must be avoided by keeping
the transducer inboard of them.
• The transducer must always remain submerged, even when the boat is rolling, pitching
or up on a plane at high speed.
• A practical choice would be somewhere between 1/3 and 1/2 of the boat’s length from
the stern. For planing hulls, a practical location is generally rather far astern, so that the
transducer is always in water regardless of the planing attitude.
φ79 mm
133 mm
27 mm
140 mm
7 mm
φ51 mm
2.00"-12 UN
Figure 1-16 Dimensions of triducer 524ST-MSD