
5. Clean the main shaft and pass it through the main body flange.
Check that O-ring
is in position.
Main body flange
Figure 1-7 Passing main shaft through the main body flange
6. Set the grease cotton to the main body flange and tighten the grease cotton
retainer temporarily.
Wind grease cotton
onto main shaft and
cut it as shown below.
Space joints of grease
cotton 120° apart and push
them into body flange.
Flat washer
Figure 1-8 Installing grease cotton on the main shaft
7. Temporarily fasten the fastening band onto the main shaft at the location shown
Lt: Tank Length
Fastening band
Lt - 430 mm
Figure 1-9 Fastening the fastening band on the main shaft
8. Inscribe bow mark at the top of the main shaft. Pass pipe clamp through the
main shaft and install washer, gasket, and cable gland.