Squall Line- Any non-frontal line or narrow band of active thunderstorms. The term is
usually used to describe solid or broken lines of strong or severe thunderstorms.
Storm Track- the path that a low pressure area follows.
Tornado- A violent rotating column of air, in contact with the ground, pendant from a
cumulonimbus cloud. A tornado does not require the visible presence of a funnel
cloud. It has a typical width of tens to hundreds of meters and a lifespan of minutes to
Tropical Depression- Tropical mass of thunderstorms with a cyclonic wind circulation
and winds near the surface between 23 mph and 39 mph.
Tropical Storm- An organized low pressure system in the tropics with wind speeds
between 38 and 74 mph.
Trough- An elongated area of relatively low atmospheric pressure surface or aloft.
Usually not associated with a closed circulation, and thus used to distinguish from a
closed low. The opposite of ridge.
Typhoon- A hurricane that forms in the Western Pacific Ocean.
UTC- Coordinated Universal Time. The time in the zero degree meridian time zone.
Vicinity- A proximity qualifier used to indicate weather phenomena observed between 5
and 10 statute miles of the usual point of observation but not at the
Warning- Forecast issued when a particular weather or flood hazard is "imminent" or
already occurring (e.g., tornado warning, flash flood warning). A warning is used for
conditions posing a threat to life or property.
Watch- Forecast issued well in advance to alert the public of the possibility of a
particular weather related hazard (e.g. tornado watch, flash flood watch). The
occurrence, location and timing may still be uncertain.
Wind Advisory- Issued for sustained winds 31 to 39 mph for at least 1 hour or any
gusts 46 to 57 mph. However, winds of this magnitude occurring over an area that
frequently experiences such winds would not require the issuance a wind advisory.
Zulu time- Same as UTC, Universal Coordinated Time. It is called Zulu because Z is
often appended to the time to distinguish it from local time.
For a complete list of weather warnings, advisories, and definitions, please refer to the
NOAA website at www.nws.noaa.gov.