5.2 Chart Processor Unit
The main method for transferring data between a sensor and the Chart Processor Unit is
IEC 61162-1 Ed.1 or IEC 61162-1 Ed.2 Standard serial communication link.
In the standard configuration, the system has one serial communication channel interface,
LAN adapter type EC-1010, to communicate with up to eight external devices in serial
format. As an option, second LAN adapter can be connected for max. 16 serial channels in
Optionally the Chart Processor Unit can be interface to analog signals through a B adapter
type EC-1020. For communication with Chart Processor Unit this analog adapter use, one
serial channel from the LAN adapter.
Standard interfaces
Speed log
• One serial input type of dual-axis speed log ( IEC 61162-1 Ed.1 or Ed.2 message
$XXVBW.... or NMEA V1.5 message $PKVBW… or NMEA V1.5 message $PSALL, min 1
message per 2 seconds).
Positioning equipment
• Two positioning equipment can be connected using one of the following communication
• IEC 61162-1 Ed.1 messages $XXGLL, $XXVTG and $XXZDA
• IEC 61162-1 Ed.1 messages $XXGGA, $XXVTG and $XXZDA
• IEC 61162-1 Ed.2 messages $XXDTM, $XXGLL, $XXVTG and $XXZDA
• IEC 61162-1 Ed.2 messages $XXDTM, $XXGGA, $XXVTG and $XXZDA
• Notes:
• Min message rate is 1 message per 5 seconds
• Recommended rate is 1 message per second
• Alternatives 1, 2 and 3 has separate talker identifier selection for VTG and
• Message $XXZDA should only be used with one of the position equipment.
• Only alternatives 2 and 3 have Differential-flag for DGPS use.
• Only equipment, which has fixed datum (like WGS-84) in their position message
should be used. Alternatives 6 and 7 check that the used datum is WGS84.