1.1 Display Unit
Select a location for the display unit by following the information shown below.
• The unit is waterproof, but FURUNO recommends that you install the display unit in a cabinet.
• Keep the unit away from direct sunlight.
• The temperature and humidity must meet the requirements shown in the equipment specifica-
• Set the unit away from the exhaust pipes and vents.
• The installation location must have enough cool air.
• Install the unit where shock and vibration meet the requirements shown in the equipment spec-
ifications. If there is heavy vibration, vertically install the display unit on the hanger.
• Keep the unit away from the equipment that creates an electromagnetic field, for example, a
motor and generator.
• For maintenance and checking, leave enough space at the sides and rear of the unit referring
to the outline drawing and provide some additional length in cables.
• Follow the recommended compass safe distances shown on page i to prevent the interference
to a magnetic compass.
How to install the display unit
How to install the display unit on a desktop or the overhead
Follow the procedure shown below to install the display unit on a desktop or the overhead.
See the outline drawing on page D-3 for details.
1. Fasten the hanger with four self-tapping screws.
2. Set the knob bolts into the display unit.
3. Set the display unit to the hanger, and tighten the knob bolts.
4. Attach the hard cover to protect the LCD.
Note: For the overhead installation, make sure the location is strong enough to hold the unit. If
necessary, fasten the hanger with the bolts, nuts and washers (local supply).